Prime Minister Pooh prevented from going to Pyeongchang 2018

December 29, 2017

Prime Minister Pooh prevented from going to Pyeongchang 2018
By Hydroblade
Difficulties have arisen regarding the presence of the Prime Minister in the most important visit the King will have this Season. The Minister's affiliation with a certain mouse seems to make 1024?cb=20160228213932him inelegible to accompany the King this February in Gangneung. "I am very distressed about this situation, i must admit" Said the Prime Minister while quietly savouring a spoonful of hunny. "Certainly Yuzu is quite capable of being on his own, he will have his advisors by his side and he is a very strong young man. But one can't help thinking that a good squeeze before attacking the ice is also a crucial part of his preparation."
Several solutions have been proposed, the nature of them couldn't be disclosed to us.
We must remember that Prime Minister Pooh has been by the King's side for many years, always providing comfort, advice and a soft unchanging gaze. Once referred as a "battle companion", Pooh is a very important member of the team.
Previously, the Mouse was oblivious to the importance of the King and Pooh's bond. Efforts were made to reach the Mouse's minions and help the Prime Minister be by The King's side while he skates in one of the most important performances of his reign, however, only a very delayed acknowledgement was announced with no word about any help provided to the Minister in this precarious situation.
"I have complete faith in Yuzu. He has worked hard and i trust him. But even if he didn't need me anymore, i would very much like to be by his side." Declared Pooh looking absentmindedly through the window of his office in the Hundred Acre Wood. "I hope I can be there even if it's by proxy."

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