Terrible paprika eruption contaminates Mt. Irene National Park

Residents of Planet Hanyu were woken up today by a terrible and paprika-1984291_960_720.pngunexpected eruption of Mt. Irene. This time, our venerable volcano has released tons of paprika that now litter the valleys of Mt. Irene National Park. Cleanup crews arrived shortly after the eruption, to dispose of the offending vegetables as soon as possible by orders of Prime Minister Pooh. 
This event is suspected to be a reaction to the message received from a big mothership that passed near our System earlier. 
Citizens are advised not to try and interfere with the decontamination operations, and especially not to pick and eat the paprika: it is not edible and its possession has been deemed illegal by the Hunny Office. 
The office of the Prime Minister is sending out volcano survival packages consisting of a small crate of tomatoes, chocolate and eggs.
More on this story as it develops.


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